Mini-course: Embedding better team wellbeing

We're excited to announce a new course for migrant organisations who are keen to improve staff wellbeing.
Your commitment
We have 8 spaces for this pilot mini-course. You must be able to commit to joining three 2-hour workshops on Zoom between September and November.
What you’ll do on this course
You’ll be introduced to the BeWell Wellbeing Toolkit. You’ll adapt this toolkit to meet the needs of your team. You’ll then prepare to run a wellbeing workshop with your team and be provided with the tools to start developing a staff wellbeing policy.
Who this course is for
Small to medium charities and CICs who know they need to improve staff wellbeing but haven’t had the time or known where to start. This course has been designed in response to the Wellbeing Discovery Report, where we learned people need time and space to have open, honest conversations with staff about wellbeing. We will prioritise applications from organisations led by people with lived experience of forced migration as well as existing Explore Adapt Renew core partners.
- Application opens: Wednesday 5th June
- Application closes: Monday 24th June (5pm)
- Shortlisting applicants: Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June
- Applicants notified: From 1st of July
- Onboarding calls: From 15th of July
- Course starts: Monday 9th September
- Course concludes: Friday 29th November
Course structure
The course is made up of three workshops (below) and self-directed activity over a 12-week period. During the workshops you’ll be introduced to the toolkit and learn from others. Outside of the workshops, you’ll be working with your team to put better wellbeing into action.
- Workshop 1: Intro to the toolkit / Plan your own wellbeing workshop
- Workshop 2: Share your plans / Get feedback / Final workshop prep
- Workshop 3: Share how your workshop went / Share draft policy / Celebrate!
Facilitators & consultants
Workshops will be facilitated by people with experience of working in the asylum and migration sector and supporting workplace wellbeing. Consultant coaches (specialising in wellbeing, trauma informed care, human resources) will be available to provide 1-2-1 support throughout the course.
You’ll be reimbursed for your time engaging in this course. We anticipate you spending around 10 days engaging and can invoice for a maximum of £1,500 per organisation (to be arranged).
If you have any questions about this course, please email Pascale Gayford at Refugee Action.
Joining the course
Applications are now closed. Thank you.